Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas - I am 10 months Old Today!

This Christmas we traveled to California to visit Al's parents. So nice to be in warmer weather for a change. Sofia also happen to turn 10 months old on Christmas Day. Sofia is in to EVERYTHING now...she loves to open cabinets and drawers and pull things out of them and throw them on the floor. She loves to walk if you hold on to her hands. She has 8 teeth now, 4 of which are still working their way in and she weights 20 lbs. She is growing up so fast, I can hardly believe I will have a 1 year old soon...where has the time gone?

Friday, November 27, 2009

I Heart Mom and Dad!

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!!

Sofia's first thanksgiving! Such a fun time! Our family travled to Iowa to visit my relatives in Des Monies. Sofia did not like the car ride so much but was a big hit at dinner. She was very good once we got there and loved exploring a new house. Thanks Mari and Pat for a great thanksgiving dinner! We are so thankful for so many things this year but most of all we feel so blessed to have a healthy baby girl. She is the best blessing of all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today, I am 9 months old!!!!!

Our little Sofia is already 9 months old! I feel like it has gone by in the blink of an eye. Her latest trick is waving hi or bye to you....its so cute! She always gets this big smile on her face when she waves! Too sweet! She has two teeth on top and two teeth on bottom. She loves to eat, and pretty much eats anything that is given to her. She loves to pick up food and feed herself though! Such a sweet girl and a very happy baby. We are so lucky!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!! 2009

I had the hardest time picking just ONE costume, so we played dress up all day! Isn't that what this day is for????

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I am 8 months old!

Today Sofia is 8 months old....the days are just going by way too fast. We are having so much fun being parents though! Sofia is such a joy to have, such a happy baby full of personality! She loves to play, laugh, and smile. Now she can say 'mama' and 'dada', she is working on her top two teeth to add to the bottom two. She is moving all around the house now, you can not take your eye off her ever or who knows where or what she will be getting into!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Here is a sneak peek at some of our beautiful pictures from our first family photo shoot we had taken last Friday. Our photographer did a great job, and Sofia was just the perfect little model....cute as ever! We had pictures taken in Sofia's room, and then at the Kaufman Gardens down near the Plaza. It was a beautiful day. Sofia is 7 months old in these pictures! visit for more pictures from that day. Click on "the blog"


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pretty Girl

We are so in LOVE......

What a Ham!!!

I took these pictures of Sofia and just LOVE them! I love seeing her two bottom teeth stick out..what a cutie

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sofia is 7 months old

Sofia is now 7 months old. The months are going faster and faster now! Probably because Sofia is so active that we can barley keep up with her. She can crawl with the best of them now and she can pull up to a standing postion while holding on to something. She is a very strong baby. She likes eating her fruits and likes eating some of her veggies. However, she sure is a messy baby when she eats. She likes to hold the spoon herself :) She has recently begun to babble, nahnah, babaa, and dada! We love it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Deanna Rose Farmstead

Here are some pictures of Sofia's frist trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead. She loved looking at all the animals and listening to all the sounds. We all had a great time!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Fun

We had a fun filled busy Labor Day Weekend! Lots of fun things going on. The pool, the farmstead, a neighborhood BBQ and best of all Sofia learned to crawl!

Labor Day Weekend

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sofia's First Trip

Over the weekend we travled to Steamboat Springs, CO for our good friends Brad and Nicole's wedding. Sofia did great, on the airplane, in the hotel and at the wedding. She was the hit of the whole weekend (besides the bride and groom of course!!)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I am 6 months old!!!!!

I can hardly believe I have a 6 month old! Where did the time go? Sofia is full of all sorts of tricks: eating solids, sitting up, squealing, blowing raspberries (thanks Grandpa J for teaching her that one). She is so full of personality and just a bundle of joy to be with. Everyday is another adventure with her, and Al and I are just LOVING it!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School Time....

Tomorrow marks my offical "back to school-back to work day." YUCK! I have been dreading this day since Sofia was born. I have been so blessed to have almost 6 months off combining my maternity leave and my summer together. It has been so nice to have the luxury of being at home with her for that long and to have the opportunity to really watch her grow. Al and I are VERY lucky that my mom has agreed to watch her half days while I am at work! At least I know if I can't be with her all day she is with the next best thing....her grandma! I know she will have lots of fun while she is there, but boy will I miss her! This is going to be a very hard adjustment!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My New "Mommy-Mobile"

Here is my new car that I have been wanting since January and was too big (in the belly) to fit into my 2-door honda. So we finally broke down and got an ACURA MDX. Its super nice especially now having Sofia and the huge amount of STUFF you have to lug around for her. I am really enjoying it and the convience of having more room.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am 5 months old!

Today Sofia is 5 months old! She is so advanced. She already has her two bottom front teeth, she is sleeping on her tummy at night, and she can easily roll over from either her tummy or her back. She loves to hold things and chew on anything she can get into her mouth. She also has been loving watching the dogs...they truly make her squeal and laugh in delight! Who knew dogs could be so entertaining!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sofia goes to the lake

Our family reunion to the Lake of the Ozarks was so fun. Sofia had a great time on the boat, watching the waves of the lake, and listening to boats drive by.