Thursday, January 29, 2009

36 Week Doctors Appointment

Saw the doctor again this week. Besides my blood pressure being a little high, the doctor said everything is still going okay. I am pretty sure my blood pressure was way up considering I waited to see the doctor for over an hour. Besides that heartbeat is strong, baby is growing (she has an estimated weight of 6lbs),
mom is finally not getting any bigger at least in my weight, but still in the belly. The doctor said I am considered full term right now, so basically at any time she could make her way into this world. How exciting!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

4 weeks, 30 days, 1 month, TILL DELIVERY DAY!

36 Week Baby Bump......

I can't NOT believe it, today marks a very important date....I am in my last and final month of pregnancy the 9Th month. In a very short time Al and I will be parents. How scary is that??? Either the baby knows how nice she has been to me during this pregnancy or my body knows, because they saved all the fun until now!! I am sleeping less and less, what with my 5 trips to the bathroom a night, not to mention my raging heartburn that likes to wake me up at 2am and then of course I am still dealing with the numbing hips and legs when I lie down on one side for two long. These past few days I just have had a hard time really getting comfortable. My back is killing me and I feel like my clothes are just not comfortable anymore like they once were. I have a feeling these last few weeks are going to be the l-o-n-g-e-s-t weeks to date. Stay tuned....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Some of Baby's Things

Here are some of the things Al and I have been busy putting together.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

35 Week Doctors Visit

Yesterday I had my 35 week check-up. I will now be seeing my doctor once a week until D-day! Everything according to Doc is going well. My belly is now measuring at 36 centimeters in length. Baby was very active during her appointment, she was making waves all over my belly. I am getting to that point in my pregnancy when I have better days than some. I am not sleeping very well at night, besides the mutltiple trips to the bathroom I have to make, my hips go numb from sleeping on one side for too long. My legs are aching by the end of the day and pretty much all through the night, and at differnt times during the day my right leg will go numb. Its weird, but the doctor says its probably the way the baby is postioned, she is pressing on a nerve. Oh the joys of pregnancy.......

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


My good friends from Olathe East and Olathe North all got together on Sunday to help me celebrate the very soon arrival of baby girl. The shower was so much fun! Thanks to my good friends Mary, Breanna and Amy for helping to organize, plan and for hosting.

Here is some of baby girls fun gifts she got.....

Here are the 4 "belly bumps" can you guess who is going to pop first??

Thursday, January 8, 2009

(Almost) 34 week bump!

Here is the belly at a few days short of 34 weeks. Its growing and moving right along! I saw the doctor for my 33 week checkup yesterday and she said everything is STILL looking good. My belly is now measuring 34 centimeters. Your belly measurements should add up to however far along you are. So I am maybe ahead a little bit. It won't be much longer now........
In the upcoming weeks we still have plenty to get done before she is here. Sterilize bottles and pacifiers, finish her room, install her car seat, somehow prepare the dogs for her impending arrival, and of course most important, get some SLEEP while we still can :) Whoa! We have a lot to keep us busy in these last 6 weeks.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mark your Calendar....

Al and I have scheduled the Baby's Baptism for March 15, 2009 at 1pm. We welcome all friends and family to join us in not only celebrating her baptism and birth but Al's 30th birthday which is the 11th of March. It should be a weekend full of celebrations!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


It's 2009 already!?? The holidays have come and gone and soon it will be time for our little girl to make her way into the world. Al and I hope everyone is enjoying their New Years Day and we wish you many wonderful blessings in 2009!!!! Here is to the new year, the year of our daughter!

Al and Katie