Saturday, November 29, 2008

The GodParents

We offically asked Aunt Carrie and Uncle Frankie to be the baby's godparents. They said yes and are going to make great godparents to our little girl!

Sweet Pea Shower

Over the holidays Al's parents graciously hosted a baby shower for us and the baby. It was a lot of fun and we got some great gifts for her. We were very fortunate to have many friends and family there to help us celebrate. Here are some of the fun pictures........

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving Al and I headed off to sunny and warm(er) California for the holidays to spend time with our family and friends. This Thanksgiving we had a lot to be thankful for; good health, a great family, and of course the best gift of all our little girl who will be with us before we know it. Al and I reflected on the fact that this will be our last Thanksgiving as just a couple, soon we will have an addition to our family. We are both so anxious to meet her.

Monday, November 24, 2008


This past weekend Al and I traveled to West Palm Beach for a weekend getaway or what I like to call our "Baby Moon." Our last little vacay before baby arrives. In a few weeks I will be restricted from flying so Al and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to head down south. The hotel was beautiful and we did a lot of relaxing and resting which we both needed. Who knows the next time we will be able to get away again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Babys Room....

Its a work in progress but here are some before, during and after construction shots. We hope to have babys room finished with all the paint by the end of this week. Al and I are very proud of the fact that we did this all ourselves!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Friday November 14th - Doctors Appointment

I saw my doctor today to have my blood drawn to test my blood levels and to check for Gestational Diabetes. Both tests turned out fine. I do not have any signs of diabetes and my blood levels look to be stable. Got to hear the heartbeat again, she is at 146 beats per minute, I never get tired of hearing that sound. Also she measured my belly, it has grown a whopping 6 inches since last time I saw her a month ago....ha! No wonder I look like I have a basketball under my shirt. Everything seems to be right on track.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Bump 25 Weeks

Oh BELLY....its a baby! It is hard to believe how much my belly has grown in just the past month It feels like it has just happened overnight, and it looks like I have swallowed a basketball. She has grown to almost 2 lbs and now is about 9 inches in length.
She is very active these days moving and squirming about morning, noon, and night! Sometimes you can even see her little kicks create waves on my belly. I am quite the show at school, my students think my belly is a circus show. They love to touch it and feel her kick. These days it is becoming very humorous to watch me bend over, put on shoes and socks and get up from a laying down position. Pretty soon I am going to need a fork lift to get out of bed.
As my belly continues to grow, so do my "growing pains." I have strange leg and feet cramps at night, and my lower back is aching already. Good thing I just started my prenatal yoga last week. I now have an 'outie' belly button which is strange to see, and my skin around my stomach itches constantly as my belly continues to be stretched!
As I look back on the past 6 months I really don't have much to complain about. My pregnancy up to this point has been pretty easy and for the most part enjoyable. And I have really loved watching my belly grow! Now if only there was someway I can guarantee that my labor will be as easy!!!!
Tune in at the end of this week as I pay a visit to my doctor to see what she has to say......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Parents To Be.....

Mom and Dad enjoy a night out....

Aunt Mandy's Wedding - November 1st 2008

Here is Mommy and Baby enjoying some fun with Aunt Mandy at her wedding. Mommy had a great time catching up with good friends from College. Doesn't my Aunt Mandy look pretty?