Thursday, January 22, 2009

35 Week Doctors Visit

Yesterday I had my 35 week check-up. I will now be seeing my doctor once a week until D-day! Everything according to Doc is going well. My belly is now measuring at 36 centimeters in length. Baby was very active during her appointment, she was making waves all over my belly. I am getting to that point in my pregnancy when I have better days than some. I am not sleeping very well at night, besides the mutltiple trips to the bathroom I have to make, my hips go numb from sleeping on one side for too long. My legs are aching by the end of the day and pretty much all through the night, and at differnt times during the day my right leg will go numb. Its weird, but the doctor says its probably the way the baby is postioned, she is pressing on a nerve. Oh the joys of pregnancy.......

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